1977 Columbia Payne 9.6; hull #101; built at the Chesapeake, VA plant; Commissioned December 11, 1976

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Safety At Sea Seminar

I attended the Safety At Sea seminar in Charleston, SC on March 8th. For anyone who has never attended one of these, I would highly recommend attending at least once. You would think this would be more of the same old stuff. However, for this particular seminar the speakers and presentations brought a different perspective to those common topics.
A few of the speakers were:
Capt J.K. Louttit, Norfolk USCG Deputy Commander
Brad Van Liew, Around Alone Champion
Ralph Narajo, Technical editor of Cruising World Magazine
It was a beautiful day and we went outside to fire-off all types of pyrotechnics; inflate a 6-man life raft and climb in with 5 others to experience how much living space there really is.


  1. Got the shoe off from my boat, the pins we looked at where brass or bronze rods driven in and mushroomed over. The machine work will be easy. The pin I think will need new ones, do you think bronze with silicon, brass, or stright bronze?

    Jon and Arline

  2. Happy New year Kevin and Family.

    E-mail me about moving our boat to Florida this month. We are planning on the week of the 11th for a three day move from Mytle beach as far as we can in Florida, Stuart would be great. All depends on the weather window of coarse. We can get you ridw back to S.C. too. You should at least come and see the new "Kasidah" since it won't be back to New York.
